Market Updates April 15, 2024

Market Update September 2023

We are still in a market with record low inventories across all towns in Fairfield County compared to 2020, and this has contributed to a swell in home prices in our area.  It seems buyers have accepted the 7% interest rates as the new normal and are re-calibrating their expectations for buying power.  Despite the higher rates and lower inventory, we still have an extremely active and competitive buyer environment!   It’s important for serious buyers to update mortgage pre-approval letters, as your buying power may have changed. Buyers, let us help you see the opportunities in this market instead of the obstacles. I can help you get creative so you can compete.  I have strategies for buyers!

Sellers that prepare their home for sale and price it properly when it initially goes on the market are attracting the most interest and getting top dollar for their homes.  Sellers, even if you’re just beginning to think about selling, start planning how to get your home looking its best.  Presentation matters!  I’m happy to consult with you on things you could do to get your home ready for the market.

As always, reach out if you are thinking of buying or selling. I would love to hear about your real estate goals and discuss creative buying and selling strategies or answer any questions you may have.  Or just reach out to say “hi”.   I would love to catch up.